14 Jul Giro di Burnaby
The fast paced pro-cycling Giro di Burnaby is hitting the streets of Burnaby on July 16th this year. The Giro di Burnaby is a criterium race, it is a spectator-friendly, action-packed bicycle road race. It rarely lasts more than 90 minutes and consists of many laps on a course no longer than 2km.
The race happens on Hastings Street between Madison Avenue and MacDonald Avenue. The stage is on the south-side of Hastings Street at Carlton Avenue. View this high intensity, high speed race from a corner to see over 100 riders lean their bikes into a sharp turn or at the start/finish line.
The 2015 Event Schedule
5:30pm – Giro Breve (Youth Race) starts – 12 Minutes + 2 Laps
6pm – Mayor Corrigan starts women’s race – 37 km (30 laps x 1.2 km)
7:15pm – City Councillor Calendino starts men’s race – 55 km (45 laps x 1.2 km)
8:30pm – Awards Presentation
(Please note that all times are approximate)
If you have a massage therapy appointment at the Capitol Hill Massage Therapy Clinic you should make note of the temporary road closures and parking restrictions.
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